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20" Piano Almond Brown Clip-In (240g)

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Easy To Use:

Designed with sturdy clips, these extensions are effortless to apply, saving you time and hassle in styling.

Versatile Styling:

Whether you desire voluminous curls or sleek straight locks, Piano Almond Brown these extensions can be styled with heat tools to match your preferred look.


With proper care, these durable extensions maintain their shape and color, providing long-term wear for various occasions.

Comfortable Wear:

Lightweight and breathable, these extensions offer comfortable wear throughout the day without causing strain or discomfort.

Customizable Length:

Available in various lengths, you can choose the perfect extension size to achieve your desired hair length and volume.

Low Maintenance:

Resistant to tangling and shedding, these extensions require minimal upkeep, allowing you to enjoy your enhanced look with ease.

Color Variety:

From rich browns to subtle highlights, the Piano Almond Brown range offers a spectrum of shades to complement different hair colors and skin tones.

Instant Transformation:

Elevate your hairstyle instantly with these clip-in extensions, Piano Almond Brown adding depth, dimension, and glamour to your everyday look or special occasions.


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